Please sign up for Amazon Smiles, a program that rewards the Addison Midday Rotary Club based on your purchases
Received from Amazon Smiles on October 5, 2022
Addison Midday Rotary (EIN: 20-2624922) did not receive a donation this quarter from the AmazonSmile Foundation because your donation balance was less than the $5 minimum disbursement amount. Don't worry - we will hold your donation and add it to a disbursement in a future quarter.
Amazon Smiles Rewards
Sign up by going to this page AmazonSmile: You shop. Amazon gives.
and 'click' on "Get Started"
When prompted to enter Charity Name, enter Addison Midday Rotary Club
Select our club and answer the next screen
Please note the comment on the screen:
You must start your shopping at
Tom Thumb for U Rewards
In August 2022, AMRC received a letter from Tom Thumb stating: Based on the fact that there was limited activity during 2021, Tom Thumb removed the AMRC account from the Good Neighbor Program.