Examples of Addison Midday Service Projects
Flag Lease Program

Set out and pick up.
Sell subscriptions.
Flag workday with Social Afterwards.
Money Raised thru our Flag Lease Program supports our AMRC Foundation.
Rotary International Foundation
Donations to End Polio Campaign with matching grant from Bill Gates Foundation.
Interact Club
AMRC Sponsors the Interact Club at Jesuit High School, Dallas
We sponsored two RYLA campers every year and drive them to and from camp.
Provided the Interact Club with Holiday lights and funds for a Christmas Dance for teenagers living with special needs.
Metrocrest Services

AMRC has been a Seasons of Service sponsor along with other Rotary clubs.
AMRC has pledged monetary support to the new Metrocrest Services Building.
AMRC presented Metrocrest Services with the first of three installments for its new Headquarters.
Filled Sack Summer Hunger bags with food.
Sorted produce for Sack Summer Hunger Bags.
Sorted donated cans at the Metrocrest Food Pantry donations for Thanksgiving boxes and other
food give aways.
Sorting, bagging, cutting gift wrap at the Metrocrest Holiday Store.
Staffed the Metrocrest Services Holiday Store when it was open.
Donated teenage gifts to Metrocrest Holiday Store.
Gathered Toilet paper for ‘Let’s Roll for Metrocrest’ campaign. 
Inventoried Metrocrest Services Skylane Warehouse and Food Pantry.
Cereal Drive for Metrocrest Services.
Matching Grant for emergency food purchases during COVID
Soup Drive
Addison’s Police and Fire Department’s Santa’s Heros and Cops-n-Kids Program
Sold Addison Police Families Association T Shirts.
Toy Donations to Santas.
Conducted a Pancake Breakfast to raise money.
Wrapped packages for Santas Heroes.
AMRC Donated to Santa’s Heros by purchasing 66 $25 gift cards.
AMRC purchased gift cards for Cops-n-Kids Program.
Assisted in the Santa’s Heros and Cop-n-Kid handouts.
George H W Bush Elementary School
Collected Dry Erase Markers for Bush Elementary.
Assembled tables for Bush Elementary.
Obtained a donation of 100 Child size ear buds for Bush Elementary
Stocked George H W Bush Elementary School Store.
Participated in Bush Elementary School Read Across America Day.
Assisted in Bush Elementary School’s Spring Festival.
Collected empty pill bottles for Malawi, Africa.
Donated two Shelter Boxes – one from club, and one from club members.
The AMRC agreed to support the Rotary Club Legaspi West in seeking a global grant for
a clean water project. ..JPG)
AMRC held a zoom joint meeting with the German Rotary Club of Wangen-Isny-Leutkirch.
AMRC donated to Victims of Human Trafficking.
AMRC donated to the Kenya Ambulance Project.
AMRC donated to provide health insurance to Kenyan families.
Clothing and supplies for a school in Nicaragua
Brick at American Fallen Soldiers Project
Donation to Genesis Woman Shelter
Donation to Victims of Human Trafficking

Town of Addison
Provided candy canes at the Addison Circle tree lighting
Helped the Town of Addison prepare for Oktoberfest.
AMRC cleaned up White Rock Creek Trail in Addison.
Planted trees at various locations around the Town of Addison
Hope Supply
Made Easter baskets.
Made 'new mother' boxes.
Diaper Drive

Our Favorite Project - Making Easter Baskets for Hope Supply

The Addison Midday Rotary Club makes a donation to the Addison Police and Fire Department's "Santa's Hero" Project.
Sorting donated food items at Metrocrest Services.
Two RYLA Campers we sponsored telling us about their RYLA experience.
We read to students at George H W Bush Elementary School as part of 'Read Across America'.

Volunteering at the George H W Bush Elementary School in Addison Patriot Fest and support the school and the PTA.
To raise money for Addison's Fire and Police Departments 'Kids-n-Cops' and 'Santa's Hero's' programs, AMRC co-sponsored a pancake breakfast.