Take action
When we commit to a cause, like eradicating polio, we don’t stop until it’s finished. Since 1979, we’ve raised millions of dollars, immunized billions of children, and put polio eradication on the agenda of governments around the world. Today, as a member of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, we are “this close” to reaching our goal. Three countries remain polio endemic, but we won’t stop until the disease is gone.
We tackle the tough challenges in our communities with the same spirit of determination. From giving young people the tools they need to resolve conflict peacefully to organizing health clinics for underserved women and children, Rotary members are helping to improve lives in our own neighborhoods.
A Summary of 2022-2023
Average membership = 28
Volunteer Hours on Club Projects = 600
Club Donations
Metrocrest Services Season of Service Lunch
Metrocrest Services New Building
District 5810 Govenor Project
Rotary Foundation - Polio Plus
American Fallen Soldiers Project
City of Addison Christmas Tree Candy
Jesuit College Prep - Interact Lights
Addison Police Dept - Cops & Kids (District Grant)
Shelter Box
School Uniforms - Nicaragua
Supplies - Nicaragua
Hope Supply Easter Baskets
District 5810 Govenor Project
Rotary Foundation - Polio Plus
American Fallen Soldiers Project
City of Addison Christmas Tree Candy
Jesuit College Prep - Interact Lights
Addison Police Dept - Cops & Kids (District Grant)
Shelter Box
School Uniforms - Nicaragua
Supplies - Nicaragua
Hope Supply Easter Baskets
Rotary International Trees for the Environment Project
RYLA (3 Students)
RYLA (3 Students)
District 5810 Veterans Project
Medical Bottles for Malawi
Hope Supply New Mother Boxes