Service Project 1 For May
An opportunity to make a positive impact in the community and to support a worthy cause.
Donate to the North Texas Food Bank on May 14, when Ashley Watkins, of the NTFB will speak to our club.
Please bring the donations to our May 14th meeting at May Dragon, where we will present them to her.
Here is a list of items most needed by the NTFB:
Nut Butters, 16 oz not mixed with other items like jelly, honey, chocolate.
Canned Fruit, 14-16 oz
Shelf-stable Milk, 8 oz not flavored with chocolate, vanilla, strawberry.
Canned Tuna, 5 oz
Canned Chicken, 5 oz
Low-sodium Canned Vegetables, 15-16 oz
Trail Mix, 1-2 oz bags
Please do not donate any items in glass containers as they tend to break and be a safety hazard/can ruin other items they might be packaged with.
(Cans with pop tops are highly desirable).