Midday News
AMRC Midday News for June 18, 2024
V14 N42
June is Rotary Fellowship Month
Rotary Fellowships are international groups that share a common passion.
Being part of a fellowship is a fun way to make friends around the world,
explore a hobby or profession, and enhance your Rotary experience.
June 18 Meeting - Early College High School
June 18 Meeting
Timothy Isaly
Campus Information
About Us
The Early College High School (ECHS) is housed on the Brookhaven College campus. Early College opened in 2006 and became the district’s fifth high school. ECHS is part of the Texas High School Project where students have the opportunity to earn an associate degree from Brookhaven College while earning a high school diploma.
Transforming Dreams into Realities
The vision of Early College High School is to create a transformative educational experience that drives inspiration, innovation and dedication for all students and staff.
The mission of Early College High School is to graduate globally-minded citizens that are competently and confidently prepared to complete a four year university program and who can positively lead and democratically serve their local communities.
Timothy Isaly
As the grateful principal to 353 of the kindest, hardest-working, highest achieving and service-oriented students taught by the most inspired, motivated, and dedicated faculty and staff, Timothy Isaly wishes to thank Addison Midday Rotary for offering him this opportunity to discuss how he and his team transform the Early College High School learning experiences so that every person can become an innovative and inspired citizen.
Mr. Isaly has served as a teacher, assistant principal and now as a principal (8th year).  He spent two years with the United States Peace Corps in the Republic of Vanuatu at the Rensarie Junior Secondary School teaching math in English/French, ecumenical religion, team-taught English and rugby.
His teaching venues include an international site, inner-city schools (Detroit and Dallas), suburban school (Springfield, Ohio), and a country school (Mt. Pleasant, TX).
Mr. Isaly’s administrative career all happened in Carrollton Farmers Branch ISD (8 years at Newman Smith, 2 years at Ranchview, 1 year at Creekview and 7 years at Early College High School).
June 21 - AMRC Installation and Awards Dinner
Camp RYLA Hygiene Drive
The Addison Midday Foundation made a donation to the Camp RYLA Hygiene Drive in the name of the Addison Midday Rotary Club.
Over $3,000 was raised from Rotary Clubs and RYLA.
Last week at Camp RYLA, the campers put together 600 hygiene bags for Metrocrest Services.
Thanks to everyone.
Mark Your Calendars
June 18 - Timothy A. Isaly, Early College High School Principal
June 21 - June Dinner
June 24 - No Meeting
June 28/29 - Set Out Flags
July 2 - 
July 4 - July 4th
July 5/6 - Pick up Flags
July 9 - Heather Bosillo, Make-A-Wish North Texas

OF THE THINGS we think, say, or do:

 1) Is it the TRUTH?

 2) Is it FAIR to all Concerned?

 3) Will it build GOOD WILL and BETTER FRIENDSIPS?

 4) Will it be BENEFICIAL to all Concerned?

Jul 09, 2024
Make-A-Wish North Texas
View entire list
Speaker Suggestion? 
For Speaker Suggestions, please contact one of the Speaker Co-Chairs.
Service Project Suggestion?
For Service Project Suggestions, please contact one of the Club Service Co-Chairs.
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