Rotary District 5810 received the following Thank You message from District Governor 5730, Bonnie Pendleton for our monetary and clothing donations for the panhandle fire victims:
Please thank all the wonderful Rotarians in your District for being so generous to aid victims of the Panhandle wildfires in such great ways! PDG Susan Brints announced at our District Conference this past weekend your large monetary donation to assist with the Rotary Disaster Recovery grant.
Thank you also for bringing clothing and household goods to Wheeler -- your timing was perfect as wildfire victims are now ready to start rebuilding their homes.
District 5730 Rotarians are incredibly grateful to District 5810! Thank you VERY much!
Bonnie Pendleton, Ph.D.
Rotary District 5730 Governor 2020-21 and 2023-24
The AMRC supported and donated to this effort.